Documentales/ Videos

Soft Heart/ Corazón Blando

Video instalation, O’higgins, Chile, 2023.  8’16” min.Video installation presented during the international residency program “Somewhere Called O’higgins” produced by Food Designation. Link to video In 2022, I participated in the artistic residency “Somewhere called O’higgins” produced by the organization Food Designation. The aim of the residency was to give value to the last generation of […]

The elegance of thread/ La elegancia del hilo

Short film, San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba, 2017. 7’06” min.Documentary short film filmed under the supervision of Werner Herzog. Screened at CineMAiubit International Film Festival (Rumania) and The Americas Film Festival (Nueva York). What do these women have in common: Audrey Hepburn, a Cuban embroidery teacher and a foreigner? ______________________________________________________________________________ Cortometraje, San Antonio de […]

S/T: Sobre tejer

(S/T: about knitting) Video e instalación participativa Una investigación sobre prácticas históricamente consideradas femeninas, sobre cómo nos fueron impuestas y sobre cómo algunas mujeres, entre las que me encuentro, transformamos esa imposición en nuestro deseo. Video, 2’05». Exhibido en Artifact, Nueva York (2019) y Museo de la Mujer, Buenos Aires (2018). + Instalación participativa. Museo […]

Birthday Party, ’67/ Cumpleaños del ’67

Short film, Buenos Aires, 2014. 4’05” min.Screened at Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente (BAFICI), Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA), Festival Internacional de Cine de Cali (FICCALI) and Family Fiction Film Project, Portugal. A birthday party filmed in 8 mm, a betrayal and a girl who 45 years later wonders what had happened. ______________________________________________________________________________ […]

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